Friday, May 26, 2006

Well after a bunch of races wild flower, xterra west championship and others I'm off to Sardegna Italy for Europeans championship, I'll talk to you all when I get back. Ciao!!!!

Friday, March 03, 2006

Me at work, ball and chain at the animation table at Disney.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Well I've been trying to finish my canvas painting so I can post it but it's taking more time then what I thought so I'm posting a little figure drawing for now, hope you all like it.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

I was watching the italian news TG3 and I stared to see the newsman like this so I decided to sketch him, I'm using a thin pencil.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Pulcinella still lives in the heart of all Neapolitans, this is my homage to him.

This poem is in Neapolitan dialet.

(Ciro Calvi 1992)

Sissignore, Pulecenella vuòsto
è turnàto sùlo pè dòje ore,
cò permèsso dò Signore.
Da là ncòppa se vedeva,
'a terra mia, tanta luntàna,
da farme chiàgnere pà giòia.
Pulecenèlla vuòsto è riturnàto
pé rivedé, sta città
dòppo tant'anne ...
ma nun' è chiù 'a stèssa.
Pé vuche stritte e scure;
nun se sente chiù 'a voce antìca
'e l'acquaiòla,
ca vennève l'acqua ferràta
dint' 'e mummarèlle ...
e nun se sent' 'o prufùmo
dò pane, fatto cò furno a legna.
P' 'a strada ò scugnìzzo,
te cercàva cinche lire,
ogge, ò scugnìzzo,
m'hanno ditto,
ca se chiàmma... scippàtore.
M'hanno ditto, ca 'na cammenàata,
pè Tulèdo 'e notte,
nun' 'a può fà chiù,
quàmta cose sò cagnàte,
Nàpule mia,
nun te cunòsco chiù.
Bè, dòje ore sò passàte,
'i v'aggia da' l'addio,
me ne ritòrno 'ncièlo ...
Pulecenèlla vuòsto,
se ne và...
ca tristèzza dint' 'o core ...
lasciànneve 'o ricòrdo
'e chi, ha vulùto bbène Nàpule ...
'na Nàpule ... ca nun mòre.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

These guys are just designs I did, I like to draw and animate like this it's simple and just feels good.

Rosaura one of my characters.
She's involved in a love triangle
with Joe (bounty hunter) and
Pancho (friend with benefits)

This is Faccundo (half gaucho and half Indian)
riding a wild horse.(clean up in Illustrator) enjoy it.